Curofy - Discuss Medical Cases

by Curofy



Curofy is a medical app that allows doctors to discuss medical cases with peers from across the country. Over 180,000 verified doctors from 1200+ cities are using Curofy to get 2nd opinions on medical cases, read latest medical news and browse premium medical jobs. Curofy has also tied up with major medical associations like FOGSI, API, ASI, IDA etc. to cover their medical conferences live. - Search for medical cases and medical news across specialties and conditions- Now agree or disagree with any answer on a case to promote the best answers.
- Connect with doctors on Curofy from specialties like Cardiology, Dermatology, Radiology, Orthopaedics, Paediatrics, Internal medicine, General Practice, Dentistry, Endocrinology, Pathology, Pulmonology, Sexology, ENT, Ophthalmology, General Surgery, Gastroenterology and many more to solve medical cases.
- Apply to your dream high paying medical jobs with a single tap. Get updates on government jobs. We have jobs across all major specialities and super-specialties from all major hospitals in the country
- Get exclusive interviews of eminent doctors like Dr Naresh Trehan, and Dr Chintamani
- Discuss medical cases with doctors from major hospitals like Medanta, AIIMS, Apollo, Fortis, and others
- Learn from Medical experts and ask your queries
- Solve real life medical cases with industry experts and key opinion leaders (KOLs)
- Get the latest medical guidelines and announcements from IMA. Also stay informed about the latest IMA events.
- Get career advice from experts. Stay ahead with MD and PG exam preparation tips
- Get the latest medical news on the Conferences like APICON, ASICON, AICOG held in different parts of the country
- Search for colleagues, old classmates, alumni and connect with them instantly
- Seek and offer second opinions on live medical cases
- Read latest medical news, interesting medical cases and stay aware of the latest happenings from sources like WebMD. Read content from medical journals such as BMJ, Research Gate and discuss interesting medical cases
- Curofy has been featured on Bloomberg, CNBC, Economic Times, Indian Express, Yourstory, Business standard, Financial Express, docndoc, Pharma Asia etc. and is committed to ease a Doctor's life!
- We are exclusively for Doctors
Facing any issue with installation or usage? Please get in touch with us at [email protected].